Mobility of African Scholars for Transformative Engineering Training

MSc in Agricultural Engineering (with streams in Land Use Planning; Agricultural Mechanization; Soil and Water Engineering

Type of Academic Programme
Duration in Semesters
4 Semesters in total
Study credits/hours (per semester)
120 credits

The general objective of the programme is to develop human resources with an in-depth knowledge in agricultural engineering issues in order to identify and solve land use planning, agricultural mechanization and soil and water related problems especially as part of climate smart interventions, thus contributing to the country’s agricultural sustainable development.

The specific objectives are;

  • Identify land use, agricultural mechanization and soil / water problems, in the agrarian context
  • Design or Formulate systems and interventions for sustainable agricultural productivity
  • Elaborate, implement, monitor and evaluate agricultural projects
  • Apply scientific, multidisciplinary and participative research methodologies in the context of generating innovative agricultural interventions
  • Implement, manage and monitor agricultural projects
  • Plan and manage agricultural enterprises and
  • Identify areas of potential agricultural growth and make developmental recommendations
Structure and content

The program is organized in curricular activities (2 semesters) followed by research activities extended over 2 semesters. During the first two semesters the students are exposed to different subjects. They normally start with common engineering courses as follows: Engineering Statistics, Simulation and Modelling, Geographical Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Data Acquisition and Control, Systems Engineering in Agriculture. Thereafter, as part of their stream, they then take the following courses: a) for Mechanization: Turbo Machinery, Occupational Safety and Health in Agriculture, Soil Tillage and Traction, Postharvest Handling and Storage, Solar Energy Utilization, Precision Farming and Machine Elements Design. b) For Land Use: Land Resource Planning, Soil and Water Conservation, Agricultural Waste Management, Land Evaluation, Climate and Resources in Semi-arid Environments

For Soil and Water Engineering: Land Drainage and Reclamation, Climate and Resources in Semi-arid Environments, Hydrology and Water Resources, Hydrology and Water Resources, Irrigation Systems Design, Hydraulic Structures, Agricultural Water Management, Design of Concrete Structures. The topics are taught through classic theoretical classes in the form of face to face, web enhanced i.e. combining face to face with video and blended or including on-line. There will also be a strong practical exposure in the form of application of learnt concept to real life situations. The students are exposed to problem-solving situations during the first 2 taught semesters.

As part of the teaching, students are encouraged to do independent study by getting assignments and group work. At the end of the first year the students are expected to have identified a potential supervisor for their research proposal which they will present to and subsequent evaluation by a scientific board, including the main advisor. If they pass, they are requested to develop their research during the second year under the guidance of their supervisor who will become the chairperson of a thesis committee constituted by the Head of Department. At the end of the semester, the thesis must be examined by an external and an internal examiner

If any changes are required after examination, the internal examiner will preside of those and report to the Board. All taught courses are assessed through Laboratory assessments, quizzes, tutorial exercises, reports, written mini project reports, written and oral reports from industrial visits, seminars, assignments, observations, drawing concept maps, reflections Summative assessment, Written project reports/papers, written tests and examinations

Learning outcomes

At the end of the program, the graduate must be able to demonstrate:

  • Application of in-depth knowledge in agricultural engineering with emphasis on one of the streams
  • a strong understanding of mathematical, scientific and engineering principles in a stream
  • state of the art knowledge and practice in the design and implementation of projects and programmes
  • Formulate, analyse and independently solve complex problems in the area of expertise
  • Formulate and carry out independent research studies in the area of expertise

In addition, they have to be capable of performing the following tasks:

  • Assemble high quality teams for management of large project
  • Apply principles of ethical and professional conduct
  • Communicate and defend any research findings
  • Carry out consultancy work on agricultural engineering issues
  • To monitor projects and make recommendations on suitable climate smart solutions for agricultural productivity and
  • utilize satellite images and GIS for agricultural assessment and management. Graduates of this program have diversified job-opportunities

They can be employed in research, higher learning institutions, government institutions, NGOs and the private sector. Further, graduates can have immense opportunities to pursue their PhD studies, particularly in areas of Agricultural mechanization, Land use planning and soil/water engineering

Recognition and accreditation obtained

Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (BUAN) Governing Council

Period of validity of accreditation:

Since 2007